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Digital Marketing

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Social Media

Focusing on social media quality to gain quantity

It’s no secret, the internet is a very powerful platform for businesses to market themselves and social media has dominated the online world for many years now. The best way to market your business and gain exposure is through social media. However, the world of social media is so vast… there is Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and many more.
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Digital Marketing

“You are what you share.” Invest In Paid Social Media Ad Campaigns for 2020

You might find that throughout your social media journey, you are not gaining followers as quickly as you had of hoped, or perhaps that extraordinary photo you posted only got a dozen likes. It can be discouraging when you work so hard to build the best possible brand identity for your business and follow up with that by creating outstanding digital media.
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Creative Marketing

Digital Marketing Demand Increase in 2020 - Up your Game with Innovative, Fearless, Marketing Ideas

When you think about the marketing that you have done in the past for your business, what is your go-to for visuals? What kind of digital media are you using? Is it media that you are taking yourself on your cellphone camera?
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Dental Solutions

Engage in Contactless Processes To Help Your Business Re-Open and Bloom

One of the most important ways to adapt to the new changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is the practice of ‘teledentistry’. What exactly is teledentistry? Microswift has three highly effective and safe solutions to help protect not only you and your team of staff, but also your valued patients.
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Digital Marketing

Personalization at Scale: Marketing Ways To Generate Powerful Custom Audiences‎

Going into the business world in 2020, the competition is fiercely competitive! It doesn’t matter what industry you are specialized in, you always need to be on top of your marketing game to help yourself stand out from all other businesses in the same field of work.
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Establish Your Business as an Industry Leader through blogging

Regardless of how big or small your business is, you can build trust and clout within your industry by providing valuable, expert information in your blog posts.“Blogging is not a business by itself. It is only a promotional platform.” — David Risley
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Creative Marketing

Creative Ways to Market your Business Online

As more and more small businesses move online, it has become important than ever for business owners to market themselves online. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is your best bet to start creating content and trying to rank it in Google search results.
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Creative Marketing

Understand the Creative Marketing Approach - The Future of Marketing

In the past, we have written about Creative Marketing - a way of creating unique, personalized digital media for businesses to increase brand awareness, which ultimately promotes higher sales. We are one of the...