“The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful.” — Ron Dawson

Why do YOU need a blog for your business in 2020? It may seem like an unnecessary feature to add when creating a website for yourself but to much surprise, it may be more useful for building your business-to-business relationships as well as brand loyalty for clients than you would have initially thought. You might be asking, “what exactly is a blog?” and the answer is, a blog is an informational website that posts perspective yet informative based articles for its viewers. A blog can stand alone as a website or be added to your business’s website in its own section. The purpose of a blog in a business website is for the benefit of the company’s client-base. No matter what you are selling as a business, having a modern and up-to-date blog can act as an extremely useful asset for keeping your clients informed on what’s happening with your business day-to-day, or to explain a variety of aspects of your business itself. A blog is a great way for the client to connect with the business as it makes them feel like they have further insight into the company, a greater understanding of what the company is all about, and it gives a great feeling of loyalty to all clients. Essentially, a business-related blog gives a more personalized touch to your website, reminding clients that there are actual humans who care behind the brand itself.
“Blogging is not a business by itself. It is only a promotional platform.” — David Risley
The Benefits of a Business Blog
It Draws Attention To Your Website

Maybe as of this moment, your business website is existing online organically. Or maybe you are paying for Google SEO to further yourself in the search results. Regardless of your online presence, having as much exposure as possible in the search results of Google is going to boost the attention drawn to your business. If someone searches a certain keyword that relates to something you had written in a blog article on your website, the likelihood of your business showing up on a Google search is much greater than simply existing organically online. This means that it is important to add proper keywords in your blog that Google SEO can easily identify and pick up. Thus, the more business-related blog articles that you write and publish on your website, the more traffic will be drawn to your website and this eventually ensures further success for your company in the form of new leads. New leads means new potential clients… all from a blog on your website! Who doesn’t love free marketing?
“If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis.” — Neil Patel
Establish Brand Loyalty

It is often difficult to establish solid brand and business loyalty when you are presenting yourself through a website online. That means, a potential client is viewing your entire online presence and your brand identity through a website on the internet. First impressions are crucial for ultimate success in business-to-business relations and brand loyalty for clients. The way that you present your business online truly sets the pathway for your long-term success as a company because the information that you choose to present is exactly what your clients see. There is no time for a personal interaction with the client face-to-face, which is often more forgiving. When a client finds your website, you have to immediately make an impression worth talking positively about. This impression should be one that keeps the client hooked on wanting to know more. One way for a client to receive more of a personalized experience on your website is through your business blog section. This is where the client can come to view your past articles and truly get a better perspective into your company; what your business is all about, how your business operates, and all important aspects of your business that you want explained. A blog is an excellent way for you to personally connect with the client, allow the personality of your business to shine through, and establish excellent brand loyalty. This is your chance to show potential clients how original, creative, and imaginative you are as a business!
“There’s a lot of information out there for free, so you’ve got to figure out what makes your information different.” — Matt Wolf
Establishing Your Business as “Industry Expert”

What impression do you want your potential clients to have regarding your business’s reputation in the industry that you are working in? Do you want to be known as mediocre or the best in the business? Do you want to be overlooked or trusted? In 2020, the competition in the working world is fierce! There is no room for mediocrity or mistrust when it comes to building a reputation for your business. If there are hundreds of businesses doing similar things as you are in the same industry, you need to brand your business as the “industry expert”. What does it take to be the industry expert? Among many things like your online presence, SEO ranking, and website… it is very important to go above and beyond in terms of selling your reputation. What will make you stand out and shine is if you spend the extra time putting thought and care into consistent blog articles on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The more blog articles you write and publish on your website, the more attention you will receive which leads to long-term success. You have the opportunity to use your intricate knowledge on the industry you are working in and help inform your client base, thus creating further brand trust and a reputation as an “industry expert”.
“Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” — Penelope Trunk